Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reading a film V

By this time my students and I have reached the first big, pivotal scene in the film.  Kevin wants to go to the River Festival to see the fireworks, but his mother doesn’t like crowds and won’t let him go alone.  So he offers to pay Max to go with him, so his mother feels he has a bodyguard.

It’s a long scene with more action than dialog, but it is crucial to the rest of the film because it shows how Max and Kevin are able to combine Max’s physical strength with Kevin’s intelligence to escape the Doghouse Boys. We can watch it the first time with little need to translate.  The three structures that I want them to acquire are “trust me” and “I’m proud of you” and “tells him to..”.  We can get some interesting PQA with “Who do you trust?” and “Who is proud of you?”  But “to tell someone to do something” is difficult for French students.  The scene gives lots of opportunities to circle it.  Where did Kevin tell Max to go?  What did Kevin tell Max to do?  Who told Max to go straight?  Why did Kevin tell Max to go into the pond?

I then give the students a written summary of the scene, which we read together and I can circle the three expressions again.  I want them to read the summary several times, so I give them a crossword puzzle using the new vocabulary as homework.  They think I want them to learn the vocabulary, but what happens is that they reread the text many times looking for the vocabulary.  They do learn the vocabulary but they acquire the structures.  After this scene they have little trouble with “tell him to..”

Tomorrow I will explain how I prepare my students for a test on the scene. …

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