Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Fish Philosophy

 The four principles of the fish philosophy:

1. Be There – show up physically, mentally and emotionally
2. Play – enjoy what you do
3. Make Someone’s Day – do something for someone else
4. Choose your Attitude – then act that way.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Participation in the Class

Ben Slavic says, "As you interact with students, check to see if they are fulfilling the requirements of Interpersonal Communication. It isn’t “participation grade”, it’s an academic grade based on demonstrated performance in the areas of culturally appropriate listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and signing. Are they actively negotiating meaning in the target language, or are they passive or even working against the negotiation of meaning? Are they observing and monitoring the teacher (not just each other) for understanding in the target language? Are they indicating the need for clarification and adjustments? Do they attempt to participate in a genuine conversation and interaction in the target language – or do they speak in their native language? I cannot emphasize it enough: this is not the traditional 'participation grade'; it is an academically rigorous assessment based on the emphasis in the Standards on the Three Modes of Communication."

I believe he's on to something.  A student that actively listens and negotiates meaning in class deserves a grade that reflects on what is more than an effort.  It's a serious, honest attitude that ensures success.