Monday, September 6, 2010

Right brain or left brain?

If you use your left brain more than your right brain, you are good at mathematics and very verbal. You act with logic and are well-organized. You understand grammar rules and enjoy doing excercises.

If you use your right brain more, you are visual and creative. You hate grammar exercises because they seem pointless to you, but when you are in a foreign country, you quickly pick up the language. You are often guided by your emotions.

Of course these are generalizations and very few people are extreme cases of right or left brain dominance. Most people switch sides depending on the situation. Knowing which side of your brain is dominant can help you find the most efficient way to study a foreign language.

If you google "Right Brain Left Brain" you'll find questionnaires to help you discover which side of your brain you use the most.

1 comment:

Mrs. Dubois said...

In "Fun and Games" you'll find a visual right brain left brain test. Be sure to watch the video with someone else. You won't see the same thing!